Paintless Dent Repair Matrix Screen

Use this screen to modify Paintless Dent Repair Matrix values in a workfile or in a profile. Some fields are not displayed in the workfile view.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Update PDR Matrix Use this option to select a new PDR Matrix table. This field is not visible in the profiles view.

Add PDR Matrix

Select this button to create a new Paintless Dent repair Matrix table. This field is not visible in the workfile view.

Delete PDR Matrix

Select this button to delete a Paintless Dent Repair Matrix table. This field is not visible in the workfile view.

PDR Matrix

indicates the unique name of the matrix that is displayed. This field is not visible in the workfile view.



Select this option to designate the table that is displayed as the default Paintless Dent Repair Matrix table in the profile. This field is not visible in the workfile view.


Hours/Dollars(PDR values)

These two option indicate whether the matrix values are in dollars or hours. Dollars is the default. If you change this value, all existing matrix values will be changed to zero. These options are disabled in the workfile view.

PDR Amounts Taxable

Selecting this option indicates if the PDR amounts are taxable. If this box is checked new PDR lines will default to be taxed according to the miscellaneous taxed charge category. This applies only if the PDR matrix is in dollars.

(sheet metal selection panel) Select the sheet metal part from this panel to display its PDR matrix.
(item number) This is the item sequence that represents the values for each tier.
# Of Dents

This is the number range of dents. When you type in an upper range, CCC automatically enters the lower range number in the next line. Ranges must go all the way up to 999. The system will automatically change the last entry to have an upper range of 999. Add one last entry with a range to 999 with values of 9999 (for dollars) or 99.9 (for hours) to cover any situations where number of dents value on the PDR worksheet is entered incorrectly.

Dime Nickel Quarter Half

enter a value according to the number of dents.

See Also

Editing a Paintless Dent Repair Matrix in a Profile

Selecting a Default Paintless Dent Repair Matrix

Editing a Paintless Dent Repair Matrix in a Workfile

Selecting a New Paintless Dent Repair Matrix







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